
Leonardo Caporarello Awarded the Rotman Teaching Award for the Second Time

, by Davide Ripamonti, translated by Alex Foti
The Canadian business school recognized the SDA Bocconi professor on the basis of the evaluations made by Global Executive MBA students

Leonardo Caporarello, SDA Bocconi School of Management Professor of Practice and Director of Bocconi University Innovations in Learning and Teaching (BUILT), the University's distance learning lab, was given the Rotman School of Management Teaching Award for the year 2020, after winning it for the first time in 2017.

"It is an award that I am very pleased to receive", says Caporarello, "both for me personally and for the School that I represent. I got the award for my course 'Negotiation in cross-cultural management', which is part of the Global Executive MBA done in collaboration between SDA Bocconi and Rotman. It is based on the opinions of the program's participants, who are senior students and established professionals. A truly international, multicultural and high-profile class, involving students from both universities who apply what they learned in the classroom to their professional activities".

The technological and innovative component is part of Leonardo Caporarello's teaching background. He sees the future of teaching in digital tools: "Interactivity is fundamental, as are role playing and online simulations. My course, however, is based on a strong theoretical approach, which must never be lacking. Also students must be given frequent feedback, a useful way to keep their attention alert".

Indeed, in the aftermath of the pandemic that made nearly all of Bocconi's teaching move online last year, Caporarello has very clear ideas. "If I had to rethink my course in a 'pandemic mode'", continues the faculty member, "I would seek to further increase interaction and the provision of feedback. This is an aspect on which, in my role as Rector's delegate for e-learning, I also insist on a lot with my colleagues".