
Kung Fu Panda Has Covid

, by Xiaoxi Wu - assistant professor presso il Dipartimento di accounting
Zoos are among the victims of the pandemic. But the case of the Hongshan Forest Zoo of Nanjing, China, is a positive example in recovery and resilience based on a transparent and effective communication campaigns, which holds a lesson for other organizations

COVID-19 has caused devastating disruptions to the global economy and our society. While the serious consequences of COVID-19 are now discussed on a daily basis, some aspects are sometimes overlooked – for example, how the pandemic is pushing zoos into crisis. Zoos are not only a destination for holidays, they also play an important role in our society with scientific and educational goals. One main goal is to preserve wildlife and conduct research and breeding programs to reintroduce endangered or extinct species back into their natural environment. Zoos also aim to educate the public about environment, animal species and their habitats.
With lockdowns and interaction restrictions, zoos around the world have been experiencing continuous reductions in the number of visitors, leading to almost no income generated for almost a year. Even though no cash is flowing in, zoos cannot cut many costs because wildlife requires dedicated care. Many zoos had to lay off employees, while some zoos were even sold off. How can zoos respond to such a crisis and survive, while still fulfilling their scientific and educational goals?

Hongshan Forest Zoo in Nanjing, China has explored various crisis communication and response strategies that are effective. Hongshan Forest Zoo is one of the best zoos in China. It is dedicated to preserving local wildlife and raising public awareness. During the past decade, it invested heavily in research and breeding programs, as well as world-leading facilities and infrastructure for a variety of wildlife. Despite the large investments and daily costs, it insisted on not raising the ticket price over the past decade, so that more people could experience the beauty of nature and wildlife. Due to COVID-19, the zoo suffered a loss of 30 million Chinese Yuan in 2020. Staying true to its missions, the zoo refused to host animal shows as these shows cause animal suffering. At the beginning of COVID-19, Hongshan Forest Zoo received government support and donations from local corporations. However, given the long-term consequences of COVID-19, onetime help is not a solution. The zoo's majority of income came from selling tickets. With very few visitors, the zoo had to be innovative to solve the crisis in the long run.
The zoo responded in a proactive manner with effective crisis communication. The director of the zoo gave a public speech entitled "The Pursuing of a Zoo". Apart from making the audience aware of the financial problem, the director used this opportunity to emphasize the true missions of zoos – wildlife preservation and education. His speech went viral on social media, as many people were moved by how the zoo is holding fast to its missions even in such a difficult time. The speech received great media attention at a national level and was endorsed by professionals such as zoologists. As a result, public awareness of zoo crisis was enhanced effectively. Another communication strategy employed by Hongshan is to use social media. The zoo has set up official accounts on multiple platforms. All accounts are updated on a regular basis. The zoo also collaborates with social media platforms to host special events that are free to everyone. The content is mainly about daily life of animals in the zoo and the zoo's various research and preservation programs, providing a channel for the public to learn about nature and environment when they cannot visit the zoo physically. With more and more followers every day, Hongshan reinforces public awareness on wildlife successfully. This communication strategy also enhances the reputation and legitimacy of the zoo as caretaker for wildlife.

Apart from effective crisis communication, Hongshan also implemented new income-generating and cost-cutting methods to solve the financial crisis. The zoo has broadened its animal adoption program, which contributes to cost reduction. Ranging from schools, corporations, to common citizens, many organizations and individuals have adopted animals in the zoo. Adopting an animal at the zoo has become the newest trend. To generate income, the zoo developed a variety of innovative souvenirs and products for sale. By advertising its online story and souvenirs through social media, many items were sold out immediately.
The key to Hongshan Forest Zoo's successful crisis response is effective and transparent crisis communication. The public showed great sympathy and passion after knowing about the zoo's missions and daily operations. With increasing awareness for environmental issues and sustainability at a global level, Hongshan Forest Zoo's crisis response strategies can be learned, adjusted and implemented by zoos and even other type of organizations around the world.