
#KnowledgeThatMatters: A Contest for Creatives

, by Benedetta Ciotto
This creative challenge is open to the entire Bocconi community to reinterpret the motto that is now an installation, #KnowledgeThatMatters. Anything goes: photos, videos, illustrations, editing

A love for knowledge that has a positive impact on society, a good dose of creative flair and the desire to get involved: all this is required to participate in #KnowledgeThatMatters. This artistic contest is being launched following the inauguration of #KnowledgeThatMatters, the large installation that is now located outside the Roentgen building, covered with a decoupage of scientific papers, research works, fragments of books and theses, by graphic designer Lorenzo Petrantoni.

The aim of the contest, like that of the artwork, is to celebrate knowledge through art. Participants need to give their own interpretation of the #KnowledgeThatMatters motto, enhancing the installation through photography, creative editing, digital illustration, or any other visual or digital art form, as long as it can be sent in high resolution (regulations available here). You can simply take a picture of the artwork from a unique point of view, capture a detail, or draw your own interpretation with a graphic tablet, add meaning to your snapshot by playing with editing software, or shoot a video.

The contest is open to the entire Bocconi community, students, faculty and staff. The selected creations will be published on Bocconi University's social media accounts and three winning works will be chosen. The artists behind the three best creations will receive an honorable mention from the University's leadership and their works may be published on the Bocconi website and displayed on campus.

Two of the winning creative works will be selected by a panel of judges of graphic designers, photographers and communication managers, while the other will be chosen by followers directly on the @unibocconi Instagram profile, who will be able to vote for their favorite through surveys published in IG stories.

The creations must be submitted by 5 December in high resolution. To register complete the form here.