
Ideas for Helping People in Need

, by Davide Ripamonti
The Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship Center at SDA Bocconi has launched a contest open to all University and SDA students to support innovation at Pane Quotidiano. The deadline is 30 June

Even an organization that has been working successfully for over 120 years, providing an essential service to the city, may feel the need to innovate. To be more efficient, more comprehensive, to increase revenue and therefore the chance to help others, to better manage resources and people and, finally, to communicate. This is the case of Pane Quotidiano, an NGO in Milan that has been active since 1898, whose mission is to find, collect, organize and distribute products that the food industry would have otherwise thrown away to those in need. And the long lines that the media sometimes document show how essential this type of activity is and how, all the more so, it must be supported.

In order to support innovation at Pane Quotidiano, SDA Bocconi School of Management's Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship Center (ICE) has launched the "Pane Quotidiano Innovation Contest 2022." This four-month innovation competition aims to find new ways to help those in need and ideas to support Pane Quotidiano's existing model.

The contest is open to teams of Bocconi students regularly enrolled in Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Specialized Master and MBA programs.

Applicants can submit their proposals by 30 June. Proposals should focus on new technical solutions, new general solutions and any other new ideas that can improve the efficiency at Pane Quotidiano and the ability to provide value to the community. The critical areas that require attention and creativity are: Operations & Logistics, Human Resources, Communication and Fundraising.

The winning teams will receive business development support and mentorship from ICE and B4i in order to accelerate innovation and implement new solutions at Pane Quotidiano and its partners.

The initiative is part of a collaboration between Bocconi and Pane Quotidiano that began about 10 years ago. It includes students volunteering at the association as well as support from a team of ICE researchers to allow Pane Quotidiano to become more effective in fundraising, logistics and donor management.

For more information and to register: Pane Quotidiano Innovation