How Do You Say Accounting in Italian?
The dual-nationality due to a British mother, a brilliant international early career and the willingness to contribute to the internationalization of an Italian institution like Bocconi made Angela Kate Pettinicchio the perfect candidate for a job as assistant professor. And she got it.
Born in Reading, she grew up in Italy and graduated in accounting at Bocconi. "Then I was tempted to start working at the University", she says. "I had been at the Department for a while, writing an empirical thesis, and I liked the research world. But I wanted to explore the world outside academia and decided to accept an auditing job at a big firm... Which convinced me that I was born for other things".
She came back to Bocconi for 18 months in the mid-00s as a research and teaching assistant, in a moment in which programs taught in English were spreading. "The Bocconi rules, and my willingness, though, impose you to leave Bocconi first if you want to enter the academic career here. So I attended and gained my PhD in England, at Cass Business School. It was a PhD in Finance, with a specialization in accounting".
In the meantime, she's published two articles in international journals developing the topic of her MSc thesis (auditors reputation) and a couple of chapters in books.
She applied for assistant professor at Bocconi while she was towards the completion of her PhD and she's effective from March 1st. Her main research interests are audit quality, audit pricing and IFRS introduction and she's now involved in research programmes initiated with her PhD supervisors.