People Economics

Guido Tabellini Named Schumpeter Haberler Distinguished Fellow

, by Fabio Todesco
The title is conferred by the International Economist Association to economists who have made outstanding contributions to the discipline

Guido Tabellini, Intesa Sanpaolo Chair in Political Economics at Bocconi, was named Schumpeter-Haberler Distinguished Fellow by the International Economic Association (IEA) along with Richard Baldwin (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, and founder of VoxEU), Esther Duflo (Massachusetts Instituite of Technology, Nobel Prize in 2019), Gita Gopinath (Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund), and Amartya Sen (currently at Harvard University, Nobel Prize in 1998).

The title of Schumpeter-Haberler Distinguished Fellow is for life and it is conferred to economists who have made outstanding contributions to the discipline, especially in the area of international economic development and its practice around the world.

Professor Tabellini is considered one of the founders of political economics, a unified approach to explaining economic policy by combining the traditions of macroeconomics, public choice and rational choice. He is First Vice-President of the Econometric Society, supposed to become its President next year, and Past President of the European Economic Association. In 2001 he received the Yrjö Jahnsson Award, a biennial award for a young European economist who has made a contribution in theoretical and applied research that is significant to economics in Europe.

The title of Schumpeter-Haberler Distinguished Fellow should have been conferred to up to six new fellows every third year, shortly after each World Congress, starting with the 2020 World Congress. Since the Congress was postponed due to the COVID pandemic, though, the fellowships will be presented during the 2021 Congress, which will be held online on 2-6 July.

The Fellowship is named after the first two IEA Presidents: Joseph Schumpeter, the father of economics of innovation and entrepreneurship, and Gottfried Haberler, a renowned scholar of international trade.

"The IEA was founded in 1950 as a Non Governmental Organization, at the instigation of the Social Sciences Department of UNESCO. It has since its creation maintained information and consultative relations with UNESCO and is since 1973 a federated member of the International Social Science Council. Its aim from the beginning has been to promote personal contacts and mutual understanding among economists in different parts of the world through the organization of scientific meetings, through common research programs and by means of publications of an international character on problems of current importance", the IEA website states.