Research Economics

Green Technologies and Policies at MeetMeTonight

, by Fabio Todesco
This is the topic of Matteo Di Castelnuovo's talk at the European Researchers' Night, Friday 24 September

Bocconi participates again in MeetMeTonight, the initiative aimed at encouraging greater interaction between citizens and science in five Italian cities (an activity held in Italian). The Milan edition will take place, exclusively online, tomorrow, Friday 24 September, and will deal with topics related to our future.

Matteo Di Castelnuovo, Director of MASEM - Master in Sustainability and Energy Management at Bocconi, is the speaker of the talk Green technologies and policies for a climate change-proof future, at 4:25 pm.

"Climate change is o.ften referred to as the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced," Professor Di Castelnuovo says in introducing his talk. "To slow global warming and its most catastrophic effects, it is therefore urgent to first cut and then eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, the main culprits of climate change. To do this, we need to decarbonize our economy, that is, reduce or better eliminate the use of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, and use green technologies, available both now and in the future, with the aim of creating a more sustainable and resilient industrial and social system."

Registration is free, by filling out the form at the bottom of the talk presentation page (CLICK HERE)