
Gaia Balp, a Bridge to the German World

, by Fabio Todesco
From lecturer to asisstant professor at the Department of Law

Gaia Balp joins Bocconi's Department of Law permanently as assistant professor in the academic year 2011-2012 after years of fruitful collaboration with the University.

After a PhD in Law of Business and Commerce gained in 2002 from Bocconi, Balp was lecturer at the Department of Law from 2004 until now. She's been visiting scholar at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg in 2006 and the German law of business and commerce is one of her research interests.

She's the author of some fifteen peer reviewed articles (one in German) and book chapters and sits on the editorial board of Rivista delle Società. For the same journal she's the translator of some German and English texts.