
The Fourth B4I Startup Call Is Underway

, by Davide Ripamonti
Applications will be accepted until 4 July, and for the first time anyone can apply. The four month program will start in September

Startuppers wanted. Until 4 July, aspiring entrepreneurs can apply for the pre-acceleration and acceleration programs of the fourth B4i - Bocconi for Innovation Call. Bocconi's accelerator is led by the Dean for Innovation, Markus Venzin, and its Chief Operating Officer, Nico Valenti Gatto. The Call is open to anyone and this time also includes a new institutional partner, the University of Milan-Bicocca, joining the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa (IIT), Politecnico di Milano and Università degli Studi di Milano, as well as operating partners Plug and Play, Invitalia and Kilometro Rosso. To participate in the program, which starts in September, applicants must meet several minimum requirements, including teams of at least two people, both over the age of 18, and a full-time commitment by its founders.

B4i's three specialization areas are "Digital Tech," coordinated by Massimo Della Ragione, "Sustainability," led by Stefano Pogutz and "Made in Italy," directed by Gabriella Lojacono, dedicated in particular to the sectors agri-food, fashion, design, industry 4.0 and art, culture and leisure.

In addition to an investment of €30,000 and a four-month program, as an accelerator, B4i helps startups define their business with a focus on growth, product and team development as well as interaction with mentors, expert consultants and companies active in their fields of interest. It also offers access to a network of services, such as accounting, digital marketing and communication and legal services (Legal Clinics), as well as dedicated sessions with experts, including Bocconi University professors and alumni, and professionals such as entrepreneurs, investors and corporate C-levels.

At the end of the acceleration program, B4i gives the most promising startups the opportunity to introduce themselves to angel investors and venture capital funds.

"We are happy and ready to welcome new business ideas and support the selected startups. They will be selected for their entrepreneurial ability, ambition and adaptation of the business model according to evolving market needs, in addition to the quality of the team, the innovativeness of the project, the attractiveness of the reference market and its growth potential," says Nico Valenti Gatto. "We aim to create a hub where entrepreneurs can grow and compete on the market and we are proud to be able to start working with entrepreneurs from all over Italy, Europe and hopefully also from all over the world. We are committed to attracting the highest possible number of valuable business ideas, offering a mix of training and resources for project development, facilitating business development opportunities.

As a pre-accelerator, B4i also welcomes entrepreneurial ideas still in the embryonic stage to support them in their validation up to the MVP (minimum viable product) phase. The program consists of eleven sessions that address the main aspects of a startup's development.

To apply and for more information: