
Federico Rampini Concludes the Broaden Your Frame Series

, by Ezio Renda
On May 3 he will discuss the theme of migration in the contemporary context with graduate students

Federico Rampini, author and journalist, US Bureau Chief of La Repubblica in New York, will close the cycle of seminars 'Broaden Your Frame' on Friday, May 3, at 1pm. The meeting with students, to be held in the aula Maggiore of via Sarfatti 25, will concern the consequences of the migration phenomenon in the contemporary political landscape.

"Thanks to his significant experience as an international correspondent in the USA and other countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, Federico Rampini will encourage us to deal critically with some of the widespread stereotypes about immigration," says Antonella Carù, Dean of the Graduate school.

The phenomenon of immigration will be analyzed by Rampini according to the transformations of the political scenario following the rise of nationalist-populist leaders in United States, the United Kingdom and Continental Europe.

At the end of the meeting, the students will be invited to send their "triple tweet" providing their thoughts on the topic.