
The Fall Edition of Bocconi Meets Is a Virtual Tour of the World in 80 Days

, by Davide Ripamonti
Ten webinars to get to know Bocconi. Also by listening to those who have already graduated and are now members of the Bocconi alumni community

Knowing how to seize opportunities even in an otherwise difficult situation is a great quality, a quality displayed by the Bocconi Guidance and Recruitment unit during the health emergency. Since Bocconi Meets cannot take place with in-person attendance, the initiatives traditionally organized abroad with the Bocconi Alumni Community, and destined to high school and college students who are interested in the University's educational offer, were transferred online and expanded. This year's fall edition begins on 28 September with Latin America and ends its world tour on 14 December with Spain and Portugal, for a total of 10 meetings covering most of the world's regions. The novelty introduced with this edition is that actual macro-areas rather than individual cities or counties will be the focus of orientation activities. Areas like China which are not covered by this edition are reserved for the spring edition in 2021.

"Pushed by necessity, in March we had to transform all our face-to-face events into remote meetings," explains the Dean for International Affairs, Stefano Caselli, "we did it because we wanted people to perceive that our international activities around the world never stop. Now, however, we continue do so, because online meetings are requested by students and families themselves. When it is possible," Caselli continues, "we will go back to organizing in-person initiatives, but we will also maintain the remote option, because it really enables us to greatly broaden our horizons."

"Bocconi Meets events allow young people not only to learn about the University's programs, something which can also be found on the website, but to understand what studying at Bocconi is like by listening to the words of our participating graduates," says Giovanni Di Francesco, head of the Paris chapter of the Bocconi Alumni Community. He graduated in Business Administration in 1991 and today works as corporate consultant for Ares and Company, and he concludes, "The idea is give them elements so they can make comparisons with other international universities. Alumni are fundamental for this, because they tell about their life and study experience to aspiring students."