
Facing the Challenges of Population Change

, by Tomaso Eridani
In his Future World masterclass, Francesco Billari explains how demography impacts so many aspects of our society and policy makers need solutions to the challenges of population changes

Demography shapes and is shaped by economic, social, political, and environmental change and population change drives global and local trends in a number of domains. As a result, explains Francesco Billari, demography scholar at Bocconi University, in one of the new Future World masterclass series, demographic scenarios are vital for understanding the future of so many aspects of our society and for policy makers who have to face up to a series of challenges.

Future World is a new series of video masterclasses, promoted by Bocconi together with Financial Times, with Bocconi professors and prominent guests discussing the megatrends and forces at work shaping the post-pandemic world and impacting the economy, climate change, digital transformation, population change and European politics.

In the video Billari explains how forces such as migration and population ageing are driving fast and slow population change across the globe and transforming economies and societies. And how these changes bring a series of challenges, but also opportunities, for policy makers and our society. His guest Dubravka Šuica, Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Democracy and Demography, talks about the most important demographic challenges for the European Union and its policy makers.

Facing the challenges of population change - Future World | FT Partner Content

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