
Executive Chat Live in Times of Covid

, by Barbara Orlando
Four online meetings to talk about universities and social sciences, basic and applied research, information and knowledge, policies and economic prospects. The first appointment is on 13 May at 5:15pm with Francesca Cornelli (Kellogg school of management) and Giovanna Iannantuoni (Bicocca University)

Executive chat never stops, it just adapts its format to the new conditions dictated by the coronavirus pandemic. Coming up are discussions with leading figues of academia, research, news media, diagnostics and institutions on how the emergency, both health and economic, is redesigning the world. Four meetings and eight distinguished guests who will exchange views with Gianmario Verona, Rector of Bocconi.

How have universities changed and how will they change after the Covid19 emergency ? What is the role of social sciences and research in phases 1 and 2? What are the differences between information and knowledge, and how can we stop the spread of fake news? What economic policies are needed to revive an economy in recession due to the prolonged health emergency? These are some of the questions that will be answered during this cycle of meetings, to be broadcast online on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.

Here is the full program:

Executive chat live: Gianmario Verona meets

Francesca Cornelli (Dean, Kellogg School of Management)

Giovanna Iannantuoni (Rector, Università Bicocca)

13 May, 5:15pm (cest)

Universities and the social sciences in times of Covid-19

Alberto Mantovani (Scientific Director, Humanitas Research Hospital)

Carlo Rosa (CEO, Diasorin)

20 May, 5:15pm (cest)

Basic and applied research in times of Covid-19

Gerard Baker (Editor at large, Wall Street Journal)

Maurizio Molinari (Editor in chief , La Repubblica)

28 May, 5:15pm (cest)

Information and knowledge in times of Covid-19

Laurence Boone (chief economist, OECD)

Francesco Giavazzi (vice president, Iac Bocconi)

12 June, 14:45pm (cest)

Economic policies and economic outlook in times of Covid-19