People Management

Energy Transition: Aldona Kapacinskaite Gets a Strategic Management Grant

, by Weiwei Chen
The Assistant Professor obtained funding from the Strategy Research Foundation at the Strategic Management Society (SMS) for a research project on resource redeployment from oil and gas to renewables

The Strategy Research Foundation (SRF) has assigned a Research in Strategic Management (RSM) grant to Aldona Kapacinskaite, Assistant Professor at Bocconi's Department of Management and Technology, to assess the thematic topic "Competitive Advantage in the 21st Century".

The proposed research project "Resource Repurposing and the Technological Landscape" addresses strategy questions within the broad topic of the energy transition. The project focuses on the drivers of technological advances by established oil and gas firms when they invest in renewables energy.

"Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face. As a strategy scholar, I try to better understand how firms can offer solutions to this challenge," says Kapacinskaite.

Kapacinskaite aims to link research on resource redeployment and technology adoption. More specifically, her objective is to investigate whether firms are more likely to redeploy resources and push the technological frontier when they have appropriate inducements to do so. In particular, she investigates the relationships between firm idle capacity and technological advancements in renewable energy technologies, empirically exploiting variation in the oil price and distance to existing hydrocarbon assets.

The purpose of the Strategy Research Foundation is to support and advance scholarship in the field of strategic management. The core activity of the SRF is the operation of competitive research grant programs. Specifically, the RSM grant program is awarded to an individual scholar, identified as a Principal Investigator (PI), to support research that has not yet been undertaken on themes central to the field of strategic management.