People Law

Eleonora Montani in the AntiMafia Committee of Milan

, by Weiwei Chen
The committee, chaired by Nando Dalla Chiesa, promotes activities aimed at contrasting mafiatype phenomenon and organized crime in the Milan area

Eleonora Montani, Scholar of Criminal Law at Bocconi's Department of Law, is one of the five members of Municipality of Milan's Anti-Mafia Committee, established on January 24th by the mayor, Giuseppe Sala.

The Committee provides consulting services to the Municipality of Milan with a group of experts who put their experience and social commitment at the service of the Municipality and the city, in order to study and promote activities aimed at combating mafia-type phenomena and organized crime in the Milan area.

"The attention to possible mafia infiltration is at its highest level. On the one hand, Milan is currently particularly attractive, due to the many projects that are being carried out in the city, and the large amounts of capital that these projects attract. On the other hand, the economic crisis caused by the pandemic has contributed to weaken the economic structure of the city, giving the opportunity to organized crime to infiltrate, through usury loans and acquisition of companies in crisis" says Montani. In fact, the Committee is fundamental in this particular historical moment of Milan, full of projects and events of national and international importance, including the implementation of the PNRR, the 2026 Milan-Cortina Olympics and the urban transformation of the railway areas.

The five members of the Anti-Mafia Committee, chaired by Nando Dalla Chiesa, will perform their duties free of charge.

In the Committee, Montani will deal with the legal issues related to mafia infiltration, continuing a work begun with the study on the expansion of organized crime businesses in the north area, and followed by a study on extortion and usury carried out for the Ministry of the Interior. Specifically, it will focus on monitoring and analyzing the risk of infiltration of the economy by organized crime.

"The Committee will be committed to create a network of strong synergies with the territory, and to collaborate closely with all the realities engaged in the fight against crime," Montani concludes.