
The Economist with a Smile

, by Barbara Orlando, translated by Richard Greenslade
Three universities, Bocconi, Cattolica and U of Parma are organizing an event in memory of Francesco Daveri on 6 May. SDA Bocconi will remember him by providing a scholarship for the next edition of the MBA

The economist, the person, the scholar, the popularizer, the teacher: on May 6 in Piacenza, an event organized by his three universities (Bocconi, Cattolica and Parma)will honor the memory of Francesco Daveri, who died at the age of 60 on 29 December.

His human and scholarly qualities will be recalled by his friends, colleagues and students: from Mario Monti, president of Bocconi, to Giusepe Soda, dean of SDA Bocconi where Daveri was director of the full-time MBA; Francesco Giavazzi, Tito Boeri, Daniele Fornari (Catholic University) and Mario Menegatti (University of Parma). Daniele Manca, deputy editor of the Corriere della Sera, of which Daveri has long been a columnist, will talk about his ability to disseminate what for many is the dismal science, economics, explaining it in a simple and direct way so as to make even the most complex phenomena understood. To open the event will be the rectors of the three universities where Daveri taught: Gianmario Verona (Bocconi); Franco Anelli (Cattolica), and Paolo Andrei (Parma).

"Intellectual curiosity and passion for professional challenges are the reasons that in 2017 brought him back to Bocconi, where Francesco had been a student", recalls Verona. "To everyone, students, alumni, colleagues and friends he conveyed passion and a great sense of humanity. His ability to analyze macro-economic phenomena, however, was no less than his enormous capacity for dissemination."

To remember and honor the figure of Daveri, who first of all had his students at heart, SDA Bocconi has made available a scholarship with full coverage for the next edition of the MBA. "Francesco was a passionate teacher and loved by his students", recalls Giuseppe Soda, "an eclectic intellectual but, above all, a good and generous person, capable of transmitting enthusiasm and a positive vision of life. With this scholarship we want to continue his commitment to train the new generations with entusiasm."

Francesco Daveri, who everyone remembers as the economist with a smile, held a degree in Economic and Social Disciplines from Bocconi University, a MSc in Development Economics from the University of Oxford and a PhD in Political Economy from the University of Pavia. He was a researcher at the University of Brescia, associate professor and then full professor of Economic Policy in Parma and finally at the Cattolica of Piacenza. He returned to Bocconi in 2017 as professor of practice at SDA Bocconi School of Management.