The Bocconi PhD School presentation event introduced by Rector and Dean

The closing year has been particularly important for the PhD School. Candidates and graduates found excellent career opportunities, like Paula Rettl and Filippo Ascolani, Assistant Professors at Harvard and Duke respectively, or won major awards at prestigious international conferences, like Andrea Coali and Diego Jannace.

It will be Rector Francesco Billari who kicks off the PhD Day 2023 together with the Dean of the PhD School, Andrea Fosfuri. This is the occasion when the doctoral programs starting this year are presented. Following the opening speeches, the event, which will be held virtually on November 22 (you can attend by registering HERE) will feature dedicated parallel sessions presented by the Coordinators of the five programs offered by the PhD School: Business Administration and Management, Economics and Finance, Legal Studies, Social and Political Science, Statistics and Computer Science.

Bocconi PhD School is intended for those who plan to pursue their careers as researchers in academia or as research staff of large outfits. "Those who get their PhD from Bocconi then join a university in about 70 percent of cases, while the rest become researchers as well, either in research units of international organizations and central banks or in the private sector," says Andrea Fosfuri. "Quite often, the first job of our PhDs is abroad, confirming the value of our education on the international market."

Prof. Fosfuri then adds that "our doctoral students here can find a highly stimulating environment, where collaboration between different areas is encouraged in every way and where those who have good ideas can develop them by discussing them with whomever they like. Not everyone is able to provide a context so rich in opportunities. Indeed, it can be said that our students are considered a sort of 'junior faculty', and they often collaborate with senior scholars in important research projects such as those funded by the European Research Council or the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan."