
De Marco Will Study Banks' Behavior

, by Bojana Murisic
The new Assistant Professor Comes from Boston College

Filippo De Marco will be joining the Bocconi Finance Department this fall after earning his Ph.D. in Economics from Boston College.

He is very excited to be a part of the strong Finance team at Bocconi, especially the banking group lead by Elena Carletti. He expects to continue working on his Ph.D. thesis topics: home bias in banks' sovereign and credit exposures, the role of politics in the banking system and the effects of regulation on banks and non-bank lenders.
Filippo expects to be teaching two classes in Financial Markets and Institutions in the undergraduate International Economics and Finance program.

In his spare time in Milan, he will be doing lots of running and hopefully eating good pizza. "After having spent five years in the city of runners (Boston) where I witnessed firsthand the emotional reaction in the 2013 Marathon bombings, I fell in love with this sport." He hopes to continue running in Milan. When it comes to good pizza, he won't have to look far.