
Culture Is Always with You at Palazzo Te

, by Davide Ripamonti, translated by Alex Foti
Micaela Rossi, Bocconi alumna and assistant director and productions coordinator at the Palazzo Te Foundation, tells us how she brought the initiatives of the cultural institution in Mantua online to continue during the pandemic

The project aims to enhance the value of the Foundation's initiatives over the past four years, also enriched with content created for the occasion. One goal is to fill the void during these months of emergency, but another is to create a heritage that will reamin available to the public in future years. "The initiative is called #SempreconTe and has been running since March 24", explains Micaela Rossi, CLEACC and ACME graduate and today assistant director and coordinator of the productions of the Palazzo Te Foundation, in Mantua. "We wanted to collect and publish every day on the website and on social media the content of projects carried out at Palazzo Te in the last four years. We've added some new initiatives too, with the aim of bridging the distance with people in the best possible way, with the city".

#SempreconTe develops in six thematic itineraries, one dedicated to the Gonzaga family dynasty, another to the Myths represented in the frescoes of the Palazzo Te, a third to Women in the History of Art, one to Art and Madness. Another is given to the School of Palazzo Te, with performances , lessons and readings from the teachers of the school, and the last one at Spazio Te, a traditional Thursday appointment with performances of local creative groups. "We at the Foundation have come together around the idea of continuing our research and sharing work," says Micaela Rossi, "and we thought of starting with some of the best content, be it videos, conferences or exhibitions. Then we wanted to tell about the Palazzo with its myths and its stories and continue with the latest creation among our initiatives, namely Spazio Te, which immediately entered the daily routine of the city ".

The idea of landing on the web was well rooted in the Foundation staff - what was missing was the time to devote to it. Now the time is there and it must be well used: "We will do everything to keep this project going in the future, adding some content in English ", continues Micaela Rossi, "but of course we are also working on the "live in person" initiatives that were already in the pipeline . The time horizon has only shifted. Unfortunately, working remotely makes everything a little slower and more complicated but this will not prevent us from feeling how connected we are to this place, transfering its sense of preservation and knowledge. "