
Counselors Return to the City

, by Davide Ripamonti
After two years, the Counselor Fly In event resumes in presence, with about forty college counselors from the best high schools hosted by Bocconi to get to know the University and advise their students

They are the best friends of our University, the ones who are able to guide students and inform them about the opportunities and programs at Bocconi. To do this, however, it is advisable for them to know the University, the teachers, the staff (for orientation activities and selection procedures) and the students (student ambassadors for each degree course).

We are talking about college counselors, about 40 of whom, coming from high schools around the world, will be present at Bocconi University on 5-6 May as part of the Counselor Fly-In event (here is the complete program), which returns live this year after it was held in virtual mode in 2021 and canceled in 2020 due to the Covid-19 health emergency. Two days to fully understand all that Bocconi has to offer in terms of teaching but also of collateral activities, plus getting to know our context in the city of Milan through a guided tour.

"This type of successful and traditional initiative," comments Stefano Caselli, Bocconi Dean for International Affairs, "demonstrates our attention to the whole world of high schools, both in Europe and abroad, to create lasting relationships that allow the best talents to evaluate the educational path that Bocconi offers. Thanks to a very wide offer, clear recognition provided by the rankings and the policy of strong attention to merit, with all possible tools of financial support."

"Bocconi is an exceptional institution that offers a variety of programs in English," says Melanie Batey, University Advisor - Collège du Léman International School in Geneva. "The opportunity to discover the university by participating in a two-day event in Milan will allow our team to better support our students who intend to enroll and study at Bocconi, as well as to suggest it to those who may not have considered it as an option but who would be very suitable for both the program and the environment."

"One of my students attended Bocconi University after she graduated high school and for her, Bocconi was her first choice university! She was interested in attending a school that was progressive in it's instruction and had a world renowned Business program. When I heard from her as a student at the university, she was certain that she had made the right decision. I feel fortunate to be able to visit Bocconi to learn about the university first-hand, to understand more about the university and how it is a good fit for our students who are internationally minded and looking to further their post-secondary education in Europe," says Michelle Frigo - Director, Guidance, University Counselling at Appleby College - Oakville, Ontario, Canada