
Colao and Cartabia Named Ministers in the Draghi Administration

, by Barbara Orlando
In addition to the Bocconi Executive Committee member (and Alumnus of the Year) and the Full Professor of Constitutional Law, Adjunct Professor Cingolani and alumni Garavaglia and Giorgetti are also on the team

Five members of the Bocconi community have been called by Prime Minister Mario Draghi to assume positions as ministers in his government: three technical experts and two politicians.

Vittorio Colao, a graduate in Business Administration (class 1986), appointed Alumnus of the Year in 2003 and member of the Bocconi Executive Committee, will lead the Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digital Transition. A key role in the modernization of Italy, digital transformation is one of the three pillars of the Next Generetion EU that this government is called upon to make its own. After leading the Vodafone group, Colao was Special Advisor to General Atlantic and Director at Unilever and Verizon. In 2019, in a meeting with students of the Bocconi Graduate School, he indicated that life in 5 or 10 years "will certainly depend on the evolution of 5 major factors": the evolution of consumer behavior and tastes, which to date are increasingly oriented towards health, well-being, sustainability and good practices; technological innovations; the continuous increase in skills and competencies of workers "who will gradually become more and more qualified"; the size of markets; and lastly, changes in society and politics,"an important factor, but one which has a high rate of unpredictability". Companies, Colao said in his lecture, will face many dilemmas, including new business models and a variety of skills to integrate. However, he is certain that in the future human capital will be fundamental: "It is and always will be people who make the difference."

Marta Cartabia, who became Full Professor of Constitutional Law at Bocconi at the beginning of the 2020/21 academic year upon completing her tenure as the first female president of the Constitutional Court, is the new Minister of Justice. She has been entrusted with one of the priorities indicated by Draghi for this government: the reform of civil justice and the speeding up of criminal trials. In a recent interview with Via Sarfatti 25 she said: "I like to recall a sentence of the jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes: « The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience ». Law is a social science that lives in its relationship with the cases of life; having played the role of constitutional judge and then of president, I hope and think it has has enriched my legal culture of living law ". Referring to her role as a researcher, she recalled how her fields of study were "the constitutional dimension of European integration, the protection of fundamental human rights and, obviously, the systems of constitutional justice, always in a comparative and international perspective, which is characteristic of all the strands of my research. Furthermore, I studied the humanistic and cultural aspects of the law as well as the theme of the objectives of criminal justice »

Roberto Cingolani, who teaches the course in Fundamentals of new technologies for economic and human development at Bocconi, is the Minister of Ecological Transition, one of the three pillars of the Recovery fund together with digital transformation and human capital. Before assuming the role of Chief Innovation Officer of Leonardo in 2019, Cingolani headed the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa. In this role he signed an accord with Bocconi on the basis of which IIT is an institutional partner of B4i Bocconi for innovation, the University's startup accelerator (here is the video where he presents the agreement at Corriere della sera with Rector Gianmario Verona). Furthermore, until June 2020, Cingolani was one of the members of the government task force led by Vittorio Colao to tackle Phase 2 of the pandemic.

Massimo Garavaglia, an alumnus who graduated in Business Administration in 1987, is the new Minister of Tourism after having been Deputy Minister of the Economy in the first Conte administration.

Giancarlo Giorgetti, a Business Administration graduate from 1990, joins Draghi's team as Minister for Economic Development. Giorgetti was Undersecretary to the Office of the Council of Ministers, with responsibility for sports, in Conte's first government.