
Breakfast with Design Week

, by Davide Ripamonti
In collaboration with the University and Editoriale Domus, five events covering design will be held at the SDA Bocconi campus for Milan Design Week

Design is defined as the "conception and planning of everyday objects to be industrially mass-produced, according to aesthetically valid shapes in relation to the object's functionality." One of the leading Italian industries around the world, design deserves to be celebrated during Milan Design Week – scheduled this year from 17 to 23 April with, as always, very lively Fuori Salone events held throughout some of the most iconic locations of the Lombard capital. Among these will be a series of talks hosted by Bocconi University, in collaboration with Editoriale Domus, at the new campus on Via Sarfatti 10. From 17 to 21 April, from 8:30am until 11am, Domus Breakfast will cover a series of design topics featuring guests from sectors including manufacturing, architecture, finance, art, culture and design. Together with professors from the University as well as the SDA Bocconi School of Management, they will be interviewed by the editorial director of Domus, Walter Mariotti. The scope of these talks is to discuss the evolution of the definition of design, analyzing its evolution into mainstream during this lifetime along with its multiple and sweeping revelations. Other invitees include Bocconi Rector, Francesco Billari, and CEO of Editoriale Domus – Sofia Bordone – along with Corrado Passera, Mario Cucinella, Claudio Luti and Carlo Molteni, as well as Bocconi and SDA professors, Stefano Caselli, Andrea Rurale, Antonella Carù, Stefano Baia Curioni, Stefania Borghini and Gabriella Lojacono.

"Functionality and beauty are founding principles of design, but also of our University, which – for the second year in a row during Milan Design Week – opens its doors for all of the city to enjoy its spaces of unparalleled aesthetic and architectural value," adds Alex Turrini, coordinator of the initiative and Director of the Master of Science in Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment at Bocconi.

These talks are part of the growing program of events organized by Bocconi and open to the public, marking the beginning of the collaboration between Domus and Bocconi – included in the broader project to enhance the "Third Mission" pursued by the Milanese university.

Event attendance is free but registration is required: domusbreakfast@bocconi