
Bocconi Strengthens Its Knowledge Network

, by Andrea Celauro
Two new Double Programs have been confirmed as part of the University's path of internationalization and continuous promotion of an increasingly widespread and interconnected knowledge network. In addition, it was announced that the 2024 edition of the U7+ Presidential Summit – an annual meeting of the world's university presidents – will be held at Bocconi

Bocconi aims to increasingly become an international reference in the social sciences, now offering courses ranging from economics, management and finance – those for which the university has been a pioneer since 1902 – to law, political science and even, in more recent years, artificial intelligence and data science.

However, being a point of reference does not mean closing oneself off from the outside world, but rather, opening up to collaborations and partnerships that are fundamental to grasping and dealing with the complexity of the world. Programs are not vertical disciplinary silos separate from each other; instead, they provide the opportunity of interchanges and gains from the intersections of different skills that Bocconi also develops thanks to the new partnership agreements forged every year with universities around the world. Today Bocconi fosters relationships with 286 international universities, offering its students the possibility of obtaining a double degree thanks to agreements signed with 37 of them.

The most recent ones signed this year are with HEC, École des Hautes Études Commerciales, for the innovative joint track in Data, Society and Organisations, and with King's College London, as part of the LLM in Law of Internet Technology.

The Double Program with HEC in Data, Society and Organisations – implemented as part of the Bachelor of Science in International Politics and Government – will be active from the 2024-2025 academic year and aims to combine critical thinking in the social sciences with problem solving and data analysis skills through in-depth training in quantitative methods and data science. The track, which runs for three semesters at both Bocconi and HEC, is aimed at students who wish to work at the intersection of data science and social sciences to understand human behavior and provide effective solutions to major societal and organizational challenges.

The Double Degree with King's College London, which will also be active from the 2024-2025 academic year, is intended for second-level Master students. Students will be able to simultaneously obtain the Bocconi Specialized Master LLM degree in Law of Internet Technology and the LLM in Law, Innovation and Technology from King's College London.

Moreover, in its ongoing commitment to being an advocate of knowledge networking among universities, in April 2024 Bocconi will host the U7+ Presidential Summit – an annual meeting of the U7+ Alliance, the coalition of university presidents from Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Australia. The purpose is to identify concrete and collective actions that universities can take to face global challenges. The summit provides an opportunity for universities to engage as global players and contribute to the challenges addressed by the G7 and beyond. Founded in 2019, the U7+ Alliance includes more than 90 presidents and leaders from 45 universities in 19 countries on six continents. The main theme of the 2024 edition will be the importance and impact of inclusive education.