
Bocconi Meets Is Still Happening

, by Davide Ripamonti
An actual community never shuts down. The events scheduled from March 30 to April 2 to present the University's educational offer will be held in remote

Perhaps in the future - we can't know how distant - it will always be like this, even without an emergency. Or maybe not, because in certain events the human warmth transmitted by physical presence remains unequaled to better communicate the values ​​of the University.

Be that as it may, the next four Bocconi Meets events (Brussels 30 March, Geneva 31 March, Zurich 1 April, Vienna 2 April ), initiatives organized by Guidance & Recruitment service of Bocconi University and with the contribution of the Bocconi Alumni Community will in fact take place at a distance. The video conferences will present the entire educational offer to high school students, undergraduate students and their families, who due to Covid19 will each connect from their own homes.

"Bocconi Meets is a very successful format that we bring to all the important places in the world," says Stefano Caselli, the University's Dean for International Affairs, "especially where the communities of our alumni are numerous and deeply rooted". There are usually hundreds of people registered for live Bocconi Meets events, but the new format has also been very successful. However, the goal is to convey the idea of ​​actual tour, virtual rather than real as normally happens, with the presence of alumni who live and work in the meeting venues. "When the emergency made the tour impossible in the traditional way," continues Caselli, "we immediately thought of an alternative hypothesis because we didn't want to give the impression of burning our bridges. In fact, these events not only have the objective of making the University's educational offer known, but also of conveying the sense of community in the Bocconi world ".

To this end, during the Bocconi Meets event the presence of the Alumni has proven to be fundamental, and it will not be missing on this occasion. "I am an official at the European Commission where I deal in particular with trade defense," explains Alessandro Mattucci, who graduated in 2004 and was present at the Brussels event on 30 March. "And I can certainly say that the impetus for my career came during a orientation event at Bocconi when I listened to the speeches of two EU officials. Bocconi was an important Sherpa, guiding me ", continues Mattucci," with its vocation for foreign languages, its international dimension, the reputation of its faculty. And above all the energy of the student environment. Without all this I wouldn't have been able to do it, and that's what I want to convey in this meeting. "

"In addition to a broad and high quality course offer, plus its strong reputation and international network, I greatly appreciated Bocconi's mix of study and Italian life experiences, while remaining connected to the whole world, "explains Estella Langheim, who graduate from CLEAM BSc and then the MSc in International Management. Today an Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Co in Zurich, Estella will be one of the testimonials at Bocconi Meets. "In addition, the Bocconi degree has always opened professional doors, both in Italy, in Switzerland and in other countries. This is thanks to its strong brand, but also to its very active alumni network. "