
Bocconi Meets, the Spring Edition Is Here

, by Davide Ripamonti
Starting February 4, the University will launch a virtual tour of the world, touching all five continents with nine presentations of its academic programs

A long journey that will start on Thursday 4 February in Asia and will end on Sunday 18 May in Africa, after hitting Europe, America and Oceania. This will only be digital, and some will be quick to add "unfortunately". But the virtual spring edition of Bocconi Meets, the event composed of nine meetings organized by Bocconi University's Recruitment and Guidance Service to present its undergraduate and graduate programs around the world, aims to repeat the success of the winter edition. That edition featured 10 appointments, reaching 1,000 participants from 125 countries. Numbers like that are difficult to match in the traditional face-to-face appointments and they portend a future beyond the pandemic emergency. In fact, Bocconi's hybrid teaching model already combines the diffusion capacity of the virtual mode with the depth and empathy that physical presence can elicit.

"We are social animals and can't wait to return to physical interactions", says Stefano Caselli, Dean for International Affairs at Bocconi, "but I must say that this formula, although born under the pressure of necessity, is proving successful, since it allows the University to multiply its presence, especially in certain world cities that are key for our community. And it allows us to attract a larger number of students and families. For instance, when we did our presentations in Boston we were essentially followed by the city's students, while in virtual mode we can also reach the whole metropolitan and state area, with a considerable numerical increase. And, importantly, we are receiving more requests to organize additional meetings. In the future, we will certainly return to present our programs in person, but from now on there will always also be live streaming of our main orientation events".