
Bocconi Lands in First Place at Hack the Mind Event

, by Davide Ripamonti
Four students from the University on Via Sarfatti beat the competition with their Mental Web project during the hackathon organized as part of MUSA

The "Hack the Mind" event organized by JEME Bocconi Studenti, together with three other Milanese Junior Enterprises (JEMP, JEMIB and JECoMM) as part of the MUSA project and with the support of Deloitte Officine Innovazione, ended with the victory of the Bocconi team. The hackathon was held on 11 and 18 November, involving many students from various universities, including Bocconi University, Bicocca University of Milan, Polytechnic University of Milan and University of Milan – the four partner universities of MUSA.

The challenge began on Saturday 11 November in the classrooms of the University of Milan, with an inaugural speech by Vittorio Biondi, General Manager at MUSA Scarl. Several training sessions on disability and mental health services in Italy followed, held by professors Alessandra Casarico, Professor of Public Economy at Bocconi University, Giuseppe Arconzo, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Milan and Armando D'Agostino, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Milan. Afterwards, consultants from Deloitte Officine Innovazione provided the participants with the necessary knowledge to structure and develop their project. The competition's objective is to identify solutions improving the services offered to the inhabitants of the metropolitan city of Milan, focusing in particular on three areas of relevance: support for caregivers, support for medical professionals and access to mental health services.

A jury composed of university professors and Deloitte executives determined the winner – the Mental Web project. It is a patient support platform that aims to facilitate dialogue with different caregivers and specialists, developed by a team of four Bocconi students: Luca Mario Agnoli, Niccolò Chiaverini, Sarah Gasser and Nicolò Fugallo.

"I was very impressed by the richness of the proposals and the variety of topics presented by the students," says Alessandra Casarico, who oversaw the event's organization, "as well as the attempt to challenge the younger population, which is the one to which the students belong, and on which there is probably a stronger awareness."

"We have developed a platform to support seriously ill patients, aiming to facilitate dialogue with caregivers and specialists," says Luca Mario Agnoli, a student enrolled in the Master of Science in Economics and Management of Government and International Organizations, "assuming that there is currently no effective tool to do so. Usually one writes emails and messages, but it is not a very functional manner. The jury awarded us because ours is a very specific and very concrete project that fills a gap in the market."