
Bocconi Is Greener and Greener

, by Andrea Celauro
The University's management system has received reconfirmation of its ISO 50001 certification, linked to energy efficiency. The award illustrates the University's ongoing commitment to a green way forward

The renewal of the ISO 50001 Energy Management certification is also a confirmation of the results in the sustainability path of Bocconi University, thanks to the policies adopted by the University for the continuous improvement of campus energy efficiency. The certification was first obtained in 2017.

The audit team that gave the go-ahead for the certification positively assessed the energy performance achieved by the campus in the 2016-2019 period, which saw a reduction in consumption of over 8%, as also highlighted by the recent Sustainability Report published by the University.

According to the latest estimates, the energy efficiency of the Bocconi campus has improved at an annual rate of 2.8% over the last four years, while the total self-produced electricity from photovoltaics is today 1.2 Mw (geothermal contributes over 7%).

In addition, the investment continues in the replacement of lighting systems with LED lamps (in 2020 over 1,100 lighting bodies), which last year made it possible to save about 160,000 Kw. The energy efficiency of the electrical, lighting, heating and air conditioning systems of buildings takes place with the Building Management System (BMS) which, through more than 80,000 control points, allows intelligent monitoring of the functioning and consumption of buildings.

"The renewal of the certification confirms the attention and commitment that the entire Bocconi community has been investing for years towards sustainability issues", comments Bocconi GM Riccardo Taranto. "A continuous effort that does not stop with the progressive containment of the use of resources, but which sees the University firmly committed to pursuing a broader path, that of all-round sustainability as summarized in the acronym ESG (Environment, Social, Governance). So not only improving our environmental footprint, but pursuing economic and social sustainability ".