Research Decision sciences

Bocconi Gives Research a High Five

, by Fabio Todesco
New assistant professors augment the ranks of young faculty with international experience and enhance the University's rigorous methodological positioning

Five assistant professors selected in the international job markets of their fields are coming in to enrich the Bocconi faculty starting today. The new second-semester arrivals strengthen the Departments of Decision Sciences (two new faculty members), Computing Sciences, Economics and Legal Studies.

"With the entry of these new assistant professors, the University has strengthened its team of young researchers with important international experience," says the Dean for the Faculty, Paolo Pinotti. "At the same time, by reinforcing departments with a quantitative mission and the arrival of a development economist with a strong focus on data, Bocconi's rigorous methodological positioning is enhanced."

Elia Bruè joins Bocconi's Department of Decision Sciences from the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton, after a doctorate at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. In 2021, the Accademia dei Lincei awarded him the Gioacchino Iapichino Prize for a published or unpublished work in the field of Mathematical Analysis with the following motivation: "The work submitted contains important results in the field of the Geometric Measure Theory and demonstrates, together with the whole of his production, scientific maturity, ability to contribute in an original way to a field in rapid development, and breadth of cooperation, also on an international level."

Luigi Buonanno is a private law scholar with a particular interest in developments stemming from the evolution of blockchain and financial technologies. After a PhD at Bocconi, he acquired teaching experience at Ca' Foscari University, at Nova Law School in Lisbon (law of online platforms) and at Bocconi itself (blockchain and fintech regulatory issues, among others). He joins the Department of Legal Studies.

Erika Deserranno is a development economics and labor economics specialist and comes from the Department of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences at the Kellogg School of Management. At Bocconi, she will work in the Department of Economics and is already affiliated with the University's Laboratory for Effective Anti-Poverty Policies (LEAP). Among the topics she has dealt with in her most recent publications, there are the effects of microfinance in terms of sectoral diversification and welfare among Ugandan women and the reaction of workers, in the U.S. context, to a pay cut or an increase in the minimum wage.

Emmanuela Orsini is a scholar in cryptography and cybersecurity. A PhD from the University of Milan, she worked at the universities of Pisa, Trento and Bristol before becoming a Research Expert in the Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC) group at KU Leuven. "My research is about theoretical and practical aspects of computer security, cryptographic protocols and postquantum cryptography," she says.

Alessandro Pigati, for the past two and a half years, has worked as an Assistant Professor at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematics. He holds a PhD from the Zürich Graduate School in Mathematics at ETH Zürich and works in geometric analysis. He joins the Department of Decision Sciences.