
Bocconi Among the Leading Players at Bookcity Milano

, by Davide Ripamonti
With Bocconi4BookCity Milano and a full calendar of events, the university and its publishing house will play an active role in the traditional event dedicated to culture, organized by the Municipality of Milan for 1318 November

Once again this year, Bocconi University and Egea will be among the leading players at Bookcity Milano, held on 13-18 November. The cultural initiative supported by the Municipality of Milan was founded in 2012. Aimed to promote both books and reading, it involves a series of events, featuring book presentations in particular, as well as other activities (such as readings, exhibitions, seminars, workshops, dialogues and performances) in support of literature and culture in general.

This year, Bocconi will participate through a busy calendar of online and in-person events at the Egea bookshop, open lectures and meetings with authors. Protagonists of these events will include Rector Francesco Billari, who will present his new book, Domani è oggi, and Gianmario Verona, former Rector and Professor of Management, who will present Capaci di decire. In the book, Verona shares perspectives and best practices for tomorrow's leaders, who will find themselves operating in an increasingly unpredictable world. They offer a word of advice: give up searching for the optimal solution to learn how to "connect the dots." The meeting will take place on Thursday 16 November at 6:15pm, at the Egea bookshop at Viale Bligny 22, with the participation of the author, Daniele Manca (Corriere della Sera), Monica Iacono (CEO of Engie) and Enrico Vita (CEO of Amplifon). The next day, again at 6:15pm at the Egea bookshop, Francesco Billari will present his latest book Domani è oggi. Costruire il futuro con le lenti della demografia (Egea 2023). In the book, the demographer observes the country through the lens of his science, sharing policies and proposals to reverse the course of the crisis on several fronts: a truly inclusive school system, a welfare system that is more attentive to the needs of families, housing policies that help younger generations, and better management – along with integration – of migratory flows. He will be joined by Mario Calabresi (journalist), Marta Cartabia (Bocconi University), Danielle Madam (Italian shotput champion) and Giada Zhang (Mulan Group).

"This year's edition, whose main theme is 'dream time,'" explains Paola Dubini, Associate Professor at the Bocconi Department of Management and Technology and Head of BookCity University, "features the participation of 13 universities and academies, demonstrating the importance that Milanese universities attach to the value of reading. But another important meaning of this event for universities is the opportunity to open up to the outside world and introduce themselves, as Bocconi will do through a tour of its buildings but also through the story of the insights of some of the figures who have made history at Bocconi. There will also be open lectures," continues Dubini, "as well as the participation of three of our university's rectors: Francesco Billari, Gianmario Verona and Roberto Ruozi."

Read the complete program