
An Award for Those Who Love Milano

, by Davide Ripamonti
Ten 2,000 euro graduation awards for the best theses on the future of Milan for Bocconi and Politecnico students. The awards are named after the late Carlo Tognoli, Mayor of Milan from 1976 to 1986

The award is reserved for those talented students who have their eyes turned to the future of Milan. It bears the name of Carlo Tognoli, one of the mayors who did most to secure the economic destiny of Italy's business and financial capital in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The presentation of the project "Nuove Guglie Carlo Tognoli" by the Honorary Committee, part of a larger project dedicated to the memory of Carlo Tognoli called "AMAREMILANO come Te", took place on Monday, September 25 at the corporate headquarters of Pellegrini SpA, organized by Greater Milano Center for Research Studies (Centro Studi Grande Milano – CSGM). The award consists of €2,000 going to the 10 best degree theses dedicated to the future of Milan by outstanding students of Bocconi University and the Milan Polytechnic.

The event, coordinated by the President of the CSGM Daniela Mainini and the Honorary President of CSGM Ernesto Pellegrini, saw the participation of Milan Mayor Beppe Sala, the Prefect of Milan Renato Saccone, and the Vice-President of the Lombardy Region Letizia Moratti. Also taking part in the ceremony were the two Rectors of the Bocconi and Politecnico, Gianmario Verona and Ferrruccio Resta, the CEO of Electrolux Manuela Soffientini, president of the Grandi Guglie della Grande Milano (Great Spires of Greater Milan), and many entrepreneurs that are partners to the project, namely Stefano Achermann, CEO of Be Shaping the Future, Francesco Durante, CEO of SISAL, Alberto Calcagno, CEO of Fastweb, Rosita Missoni, President of Missoni Group, and Renato Pagliaro, President of Mediobanca.