
Alessia Melegaro Joins the Scientific Technical Committee

, by Fabio Todesco
The new CTS includes representatives of statistical, mathematical and epidemiological disciplines

Alessia Melegaro, epidemiologist and Director of Bocconi's COVID Crisis Lab, has been named one of the 12 members of the new Scientific Technical Committee (CTS, from the Italian Comitato Tecnico Scientifico). The appointment was made yesterday by the Head of Civil Protection, Fabrizio Curcio, in agreement with the Presidency of the Council.

The CTS has been reduced from 26 to 12 members, with a decision taken "in relation to the new phase of the emergency" and after considering "the acceleration of activities related to the new vaccine plan," which made it necessary to "streamline the activities of the CTS in order to optimize its operation, including by reducing the number of its members."

The members of the new CTS do not belong only "to the medical-scientific field" but also to the "statistical, mathematical and forecasting world or other fields useful to define the framework of the epidemiological situation and to perform the analysis of the data, necessary to prepare the measures to counter the pandemic."

The CTS was established on February 5, 2020 by the Head of Civil Protection to give "advice and support to the coordination activities needed to overcome the epidemiological emergency due to the spread of the Coronavirus."