
On 27 April, Bocconi Sings to the Tune of ABBA

, by Andrea Celauro
A musical created by students and inspired by the songs by the famous pop combo will be on stage at the University. There will also be live performances on 11 May, chosen for Performing Arts Night 2023, entirely dedicated to drama and theater

It will be an evening dominated by the music of ABBA and their 1970s disco classics, enlivening the ample stage of the Bocconi Aula Magna in Via Roentgen. On 27 April at 8:30pm, the English-language musical created by students "Gimme Another Abba Story" will make its debut. It is inspired by the hits of the famous Swedish quartet and is directed by Giancarlo Capito, with choreography by Sara Marinucci. The show (more information available here and tickets can be purchased here), is an initiative of BLPSA – Bocconi Live Performance Students Associations as part of the Arts and Humanities activities of Campus Life, in collaboration with Radio Bocconi and Bocconi TV.

But there will be live student performances at Bocconi also on 11 May, when the Performing Arts Night 2023 will be held, an event entirely dedicated to theater and drama, also organized by the Campus Life Arts and Humanities committee. Admission to the Performing Arts Night shows is free (Gobbi Aula Magna), but advance registration is required (more info and the registration form are available here).

The program starts at 7:30pm with a GuiDance Recital, in English, which is a demonstration of the GuiDance course conducted by choreographer Marco Pelle and with a performance by Beatrice Carbone, former soloist at La Scala in Milan, who will dance "Uno di due".

It continues at 8pm with Step by Step – Towards Theater, again in English, in collaboration with the Paolo Grassi Civic School of Theater. The performance consists of improvisations and theatrical games based on the characters of John Logan's "Peter and Alice".

It ends at 9pm, with the play "Fahrenheit 451", based on the novel of the same name by Ray Bradbury, which will be staged at the Gobbi Aula Magna. The drama adaptation, in Italian, is curated by the Bocconi Student Theater Group Association and actors are directed by Marco Brambini.