13 Jun 2021 ESG in Finance: A Trend, not a Fad Beltratti and Bezzecchi surveyed Italian asset managers and found that sustainability issues are center stage in their choices
13 May 2021 Offshore Secrets Revealed The future of tax havens in the latest episode of the Bocconi podcast, with Hannes Wagner
09 May 2021 How Memory Shapes Our Choice Standard economic theory struggles to explain different choices in similar conditions. Enter memory, Nicola Gennaioli claims, and our behavior becomes intelligible
30 Mar 2021 We Need European Solutions to Overcome the Crisis Bad banks and deposit insurance on a continental scale are among the measures suggested by Andrea Resti when temporary State support to companies will be lifted
29 Mar 2021 Exit the Crisis by Restoring Bank Balance Sheet Transparency An analysis by Brunella Bruno and Elena Carletti for the European Parliament on how to phase out COVID support measures to the banking system
19 Mar 2021 Deep Learning Advances for Social Scientists Bocconi students on the seminars organized by IGIER. In the latest article of the series, Antonella Buccione reports on the work of Melissa Dell, Harvard University