BAG Bocconi Art Gallery


Bocconi Art Gallery is the path by which the University approaches a ‘different’ contemporary world, the cultural and artistic world that is part of everyone’s life.

Contemporary art, even if you don’t fully understand it, brings enrichment and opens the mind. It can trigger questions and suggestions that emanate from the visual context in which it is expressed, whether paintings, installations, sculptures or photography. That is why Bocconi has chosen to invest consistently in the project called BAG - Bocconi Art Gallery, always involving new international artists, and collaborating with important Italian and foreign galleries.
The goal is a continuous cultural exchange and turnover of works from year to year, to offer a diversity of points of view and

But BAG is also an alternative way for Bocconi University to enter into dialogue with its own community and at the same time open up to the city that hosts it, Milan. A city where art is perhaps less out front and ‘exposed’ than some other places in Italy, but is actually quite prolifc. It is an opportunity to start a conversation between teaching and art, creating a cultural journey for people who enter campus buildings every day and for those passing through for events and meetings. Thus, spaces for study and research are transformed into exhibition areas, places where emotions are shared.

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