Italian and Bocconi Academic System


The Italian Education System is made of a 13-year cycle of pre-university education (5-year elementary school cycle, 3-year middle school cycle and 5-year high school cycle).  

The University reform of 1999 transformed the organization of the Italian university, changing the structure of both the study plan and the degree programs in the fields of Economics and Management from one long four-year cycle to the so-called 3 plus 2, divided into two cycles (undergraduate and graduate). 


The two study cycles are to be considered separate; at the end of each, a final exam is required, as well as the awarding of a diploma and the certification of the title obtained. Once the 3-year cycle has been completed the student can decide whether to enter the job market or continue the university studies by enrolling in a graduate program (Master of Science or a Specialized Master). In addition, Bocconi University's School of Law offers a five-year Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza (“Law”) program in Italian.  


To access the university education system, there are some governmental requirements that must be fulfilled. Each university has then its own access requirements and educational approach.  


Since the start of the Bocconi University graduate programs, the selection process has been distinct from that of the undergraduate one; therefore, admission to an undergraduate degree program does not imply the automatic admission to a Master of Science program. Check Bocconi access requirements.