Fiscal code


The Italian tax code ("codice fiscale") is an alphanumeric code of 16 characters issued for free by the Revenue Agency to identify Italian citizens and foreign citizens. 

The Revenue Agency is a non-economic public body that is mainly responsible for collecting tax revenues, providing services and assistance to taxpayers.  

N.B.: The tax code you find in the ISEU certificate or the one you can see in the portal during the admission process is not the official one but is automatically generated. To obtain the official one, you must request it from the Italian Revenue Agency. 

You will need your own "codice fiscale" to: 

  • open a bank account  
  • register at the National Healthcare Service (SSN) - apply for the healthcard 
  • sign a rental contract 
  • sign other type of contracts (i.e. phone number) 

We inform you that non-resident individuals who need to obtain the tax identification number can apply for it to the Italian consular authorities in the Country of residence. For the specific modalities please visit the website of the competent consular office or the Revenue Agency website.


In addition to this procedure and thanks to an agreement between the Revenue Agency and Bocconi, if you are an international BSc or MSc student (including Double Degree students) and you don't have an Italian tax code, you can request a “Codice Fiscale” online.  Around mid-July, instructions on how to request your fiscal code will be emailed to all regularly enrolled BSc and MSc students (please check the e-mail you used when applying to Bocconi through MyApplication).