
Research Centers

Permanent Research Centers

From 1 January 2015, the CAREFIN and Paolo Baffi Centre on International Markets, Money and Regulation have integrated their activities in a new research centre. The merger will allow the new BAFFI CAREFIN Centre to continue to produce applied multi-disciplinary research on banking, finance, central banking and monetary policy and regulation in national and international markets.


The Centre, established in 2016, aims at promoting and conducting both theoretical and applied research involving modeling, management and analysis of large-scale datasets. Moreover, it supports the training of students and junior researchers in fields where the use of advanced statistical, mathematical and computational methodologies is essential

(Institutional structures; management of public and private companies providing healthcare and social services)

Established in 1978 with the aim to develop research studies about the healthcare sector, the centre promote research activities closely integrated with the basic research developed within the two programs of Business Administration and Management and Economics and Management of Public Administration and International Institutions of Università Bocconi.

The main areas of study and research are: comparisons among healthcare systems and analyses of public health policy; implementation of economic methods in the evaluation of healthcare performance; introducing the managerial logic in healthcare organizations; organizational models and management systems for public and private healthcare firms; impacts on the industrial sector and correlated services (pharmaceuticals and biomedical technologies) and on the social welfare sector.

The research activity of CERGAS is strictly correlated with the business education programs for the healthcare sector developed by the Faculty of the Public Administration Division of SDA Bocconi School of Management.

(Interdisciplinary research on social cohesion, demography, life course dynamics and public policy)

The Centre, established in 2006, aims at promoting, coordinating and conducting interdisciplinary research activities on social dynamics, with an emphasis on medium- and long-term processes and on comparative analysis.

The main areas of interest of the Centre are:

  • demography and the life course, e.g., fertility and family dynamics, intergenerational relationships and ageing, transitions to adulthood, migration, lifelong learning, medium- and long-range forecasting, labour market and social mobility;
  • development and social cohesion, e.g., inequality, social norms and economic development, polarization, integration of migrants and second generations;
  • welfare state and public policies, e.g. social policies in comparative perspective, Europeanisation and regional issues;
  • data collection and harmonisation and creation of a data archive.

(the Center brings together and expands the activities of CERTeT, IEFE and ASK)

The Centre was established as a result of the merger between CERTeT and IEFE. GREEN aims to conduct and promote research projects at the intersection of the spatial of socio-economic phenomena and of climate change, transportation, environmental policy and energy markets.

Since 2024 ASK - dedicated to arts and cultural practices, art markets, cultural policies, creative industries and media - was merged into the GREEN research center, in order to deepen and bring to light socioeconomic aspects in interdisciplinary fields.

The main areas of research are:

  • Economic geography and local governance Spatial analysis of socio-economic phenomena (e.g. economic activities, local development, housing) and local public policy
  • Environment and climate change
    Environmental analysis and policy at global, local and firm level
  • Economics and management in the fields of art and culture with specific activities in cultural planning and management of cultural institutions 
  • Networks and public utilities
    Economic analysis of specific sectors such as transportation, energy markets, telecoms, water and sanitation, solid waste management, geopolitics of international networks
  • Circular Green and ESG Finance
    Analysis of the relation between Sustainability and Finance, currently leveraged around the grounds of the relationship between Circular Economy (CE) and Finance – Circular Finance –, Green Finance and Transition/ESG Finance.

The research approach is highly multidisciplinary and oriented towards addressing policy-relevant issues at local and global scale.

ICRIOS was founded to be a reference point for cutting-edge, multi-disciplinary and collaborative research on innovation, organization and strategy, with the explicit objective to influence in a significant way both the academic debate and management practice.


The Centre promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing at any stage of the research process, especially among scholars in diverse and complementary fields, based across nations, and working in different research traditions. 

ICRIOS fellows are selected among recognized experts in their field of study, and their expertise and interest span across several divisions of the Academy of Management.

(Economics and economic policy)
Part of the Institute of Economics, it operates jointly with two international bodies, the US-based NBER, National Bureau of Economic Research, and the UK-based CEPR, Centre for Economic Policy Research.

The Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research was established in 1990, in order to seek to reverse the brain drain affecting European economic research. 
The aim of IGIER is to attract some of the best European young economists normally working abroad (in the US, especially), and to supply them with a research environment similar to those prevalent in American universities, where they can work on their research projects while interacting with Italian researchers.

Research Insitute

Institute for European Policymaking @ Bocconi University



Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi Agribusiness Reseach Initiative

Artificial Intelligence Lab

Bocconi Lab for European Studies

Covid Crisis Lab
Laboratory for Coronavirus Crisis Research

Financial Education Lab

Laboratory for Effective Anti-poverty Policies
Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi Foundation

Sustainable Urban Regeneration Lab 

Teaching and Learning Innovation Cente

BUILT - Bocconi University Innovations in Learning and Teaching

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Other Organizations and Agencies

Bocconi is a founding organization and headquarters for the Italian Valuations Standards Council