Withdrawal from Studies - MSc programs AY 2024-25


Enrolled students* are not entitled to obtain the reimbursement of the first installment/advance payment, in compliance to former article 27 of R.D. 1269/1938. Bocconi University, however, grant said reimbursement on an exceptional basis, only if requested within specific deadlines, shown in the “Reimbursement deadlines” section.

After said deadlines, the first installment/advance payment, as a security deposit, will be kept in full.


The reimbursement will be granted, with the exclusion of € 250 for administrative service expenses, only if the reimbursement request is submitted within the following deadline.

Selection round Deadline for reimbursement request
Bocconi applicants – I Round  1 March 2024
Bocconi applicants – II Round 25 June 2024
Bocconi applicants in the waiting list Within the 15th day after submitting the enrollment application
International applicants – round I 24 January 2024
International applicants – round II 17-apr-24
International applicants – round III 27 May 2024
International applicants – round IV 28 June 2024
International applicants – round V 25 July 2024

We kindly invite all students to pay the utmost attention to the compulsory requirements needed to access the Bocconi Master of Science programs and to the fulfillments for the enrollment, since:

  • failure in the obtainment of even one of the compulsory requirements (English language requisite, and/or a valid Bachelor diploma, and/or GMAT 600 total score – only for ESSEC-Bocconi DD Program) will entail cancellation of the enrollment with no chance to obtain the reimbursement of the first installment/advance payment;
  • failure to satisfy even one of the enrollment conditions will entail revocation of admission due to a breach of the contract attributable to the student.

The same deadlines for reimbursement apply also for students admitted to CEMS MIM, China MIM and ESSEC-Bocconi DD Programs. The 2000€ administrative fee for special programs will be fully reimbursed (this might be processed at a different time than the reimbursement of the first installment-advance payment). 

The reimbursement will be possible, only if requested by and no later than 5 days after the receiving their credit recognition result, for:

  • incoming transfer students who have requested credit recognition and that have submitted the Withdrawal document (if transferring from a not Italian University) or the “Domanda di Trasferimento” (if transferring from an Italian University);
  • Bocconi graduates who plan to complete a second degree in Bocconi and have requested credit recognition.

The request has to be submitted along with the Withdrawal request. The student has to send an email, within the above mentioned deadlines, to rper@unibocconi.it:

  • declaring the willingness to withdraw and to request the reimbursement
  • attaching passport
  • attaching the appropriate withdrawal form (soon available in the Download area), properly filled out
  • indicating as a subject: “Withdrawal Name SurnameUser ID number (3xxxxxx), Application code (B0xxx)”

Once the email is received, the student will receive instructions on how to obtain the reimbursement.

Reimbursements can be issued only after the beginning of the academic year 2024-25. The repayment will be credited between September and October 2024.